all about the pellet

At Progetto Fuoco, an important event in the sector of heat and energy production from biomass combustion, the prominent elements have always been the plants and equipment, but among the protagonists of the fair we cannot fail to mention the pellet and the companies related to its Production and trade.

Today we will deepen our knowledge of this fuel, providing our readers with a lot of useful information for its more effective and responsible use: characteristics, types, benefits, certifications, availability on the market, prices to the public.

Pellets: what it is and how to recognize the quality one

The English term ‘pellet’ translated into Italian literally means ‘ball’ with evident reference to the small cylindrical shape of the product resulting from the compaction of materials of various kinds.

As for heating, pellets are woody fuels made by using wood waste which is densified fto form small cylindrical granules of random length typically between 10 and 30 millimeters..

These are mainly chips and sawdust that undergo a compression and drying process.

It seems that the Canadians were the first to use this type of fuel, obtained from sawdust, which in this way was advantageously disposed of.

A problem that often arises for those who intend to use a pellet stove concerns which one to choose, given that a wide range of products is available.

Starting from the assumption that there is no absolute best pellet, it is necessary to evaluate some discriminating factors, which are the model of pellet stoves, the characteristics of the combustion chamber and the raw materials of the product.

The best pellet is the one that best meets the needs of the consumer, allowing him to obtain a high calorific value compared to low costs.

Never as in this sector is it important to take into consideration the quality / price ratio, especially based on the type of use for which this fuel is intended.

Il pellet visto in tutte le sue caratteristiche

In the search for a quality pellet, how to recognize it therefore becomes the fundamental aspect given that the efficiency of the heating system depends on this preliminary operation.

The main discriminating factor in choosing the best pellet is its certification, which offers the guarantee of knowing the type of constituent wood with confidence.

Wondering how to choose the pellet it can be useful to analyze the amount of sawdust in the bag, since a high concentration of this material indicates that the pellets tend to flake easily and that they have probably not been compacted sufficiently.

Another parameter to be taken into consideration to evaluate the quality of these fuels is their ash content: in fact, if this value is high, it means that noxious dust is produced.

You can also perform the ‘water test’ which is carried out by immersing a handful of pellets in a container filled with water; If they go to the bottom without making it cloudy, then it means that the product is of excellent quality as it remains compact and solid.

A good pellet must be made with virgin wood which has undergone only mechanical, but not chemical, treatments such as gluing, painting or contact with solvents.

During combustion it is essential that no hazardous health fumes are released and that the constituent material of the fuel does not contain any synthetic products.

The offer on the market of the types of pellets appears extremely heterogeneous and the selection among the various products must never be guided only by the price factor since the too cheap fuels are not of good quality and therefore can damage the heating systems.

The most common consequences are the clogging of the stove’s brazier, the lower heating capacity, the production of creosote (a viscous residue that tends to adhere to the internal walls and the flue) and the blackening of the glass parts of the stove.

An indispensable prerequisite for making the best choice remains that of carefully reading the label which must be affixed or printed on the fuel package.

It is also necessary to check that the supply chain has been constantly monitored by the producer to the consumer, to avoid any risk of product contamination.

After carefully analyzing the pellet label, checking its certifications and observing the aspect that characterizes it, you can orient yourself in choosing the product that best suits your needs, always taking into account that too low a cost is never a guarantee of quality.

Il pellet che brucia nella stufa

Characteristics and benefits of the pellet

The main feature of the pellet is its calorific value, a parameter capable of guiding the consumer in choosing the most valid products.

Calorific value is defined as the amount of energy released by the conversion of a unit mass of material that occurs in the unit of time.

In other words, it consists of the amount of heat produced by the combustion of a unit of combustible material, which is measured in Kcal / kg (kilocalorie per kilogram).

This is a standard reference value, whose role is to reliably indicate the real performance of the fuel analyzed; It is indicated with the kWh / kg symbol and must be indicated on all packages

The factors that influence the calorific value are represented by the type of wood and the moisture content; the higher the calorific value index, the better the heating system works.

Usually softwoods are characterized by lower values ​​than those of hardwoods, taking into account that the average values ​​are between 4600 and 5400 Kcal/kg.

The moisture content in the wood contributes to reducing the calorific value of the pellets and consequently their combustion efficiency. This value must be between 8% and 12% to ensure the best combustion yield.

As regards the ash problem, it must be borne in mind that the pellets, being made of wood, inevitably produce ash during their combustion, which must however be scarce.

This combustion occurs in four stages, which are: drying, gasification, combustion, ash formation.

During the first phase, the heat evaporates the water contained in the pellets, in the second the production of gas caused by the increase in temperatures begins, in the third the combustion is triggered after an adequate thermal quota has been reached and in the fourth occurs ash production.

Ashes are made up of sand, minerals and various impurities present in the bark, including traces of soil. A good quality pellet must produce few ashes since they represent the non-combustible part of the product.

A product of excellent quality, which usually burns without ash, is able to produce a high amount of heat without polluting the environment because traces of heavy metals are also contained in the ashes.

To be sure of buying a good quality product, the only guarantee comes from its certification. In fact, a certified pellet ensures high quality standards throughout the supply chain, from the raw material collection operations to delivery.

Is pellets better than wood?

A problem that consumers often ask themselves is related to the dilemma of whether pellets or wood are better for feeding a stove.

The choice between these two fuels is conditioned mainly by different lifestyles given that a fireplace where the fireplace burns contributes to creating a very poetic atmosphere compared to a pellet stove, certainly more practical although less romantic.

Firewood has the advantage of having a stable and lower cost than pellets and of producing a natural, cheerful and bright fire that heats the environment not only materially.

Its main disadvantages are connected to a certain inconvenience of switching the fireplace or stove on and off, the inability to program the temperature, and yields not comparable to those offered by the pallets.

Furthermore, the combustion of wood is less clean than that of pellets since it produces a greater percentage of unburnt particles.

The chimney must have a diameter of 10 centimeters, greater than that of pellet stoves which is 8 centimeters.

Pellet stoves can be programmed electronically and therefore perform the function of real heating systems, whose combustion is particularly efficient, very clean and non-polluting.

The pellets are packaged in easily stackable bags, unlike the wood which presupposes the availability of special spaces, perhaps in the woodshed.

A disadvantage of this fuel is represented by the price which is progressively increasing, even if with a lower trend compared to that of other fuels such as methane or diesel.

Varie tipologie di pellet messi in esposizione

Types of pellets

Pellets are combustible materials that are widely used in stoves and centralized boilers for domestic or industrial heating.

The main benefits deriving from their use consist in the limited emission of polluting substances, in being renewable energy, in savings in economic terms.

Numerous varieties of pellets are available on the market that depend on the different trees from which the wood comes.

The beech pellets, among the most appreciated by consumers, are made with medium-heavy materials, extremely hard and very resistant as well as free from humidity variations during the processing phases.

The high calorific value (4600 Kcal) represents its strong point, as well as its yield which is among the highest among those available.

Firtree pellets are produced with sawdust from soft woods, which ignite very easily, but which do not maintain combustion for long.

Often they are made with a mixed composition of beech and fir, to offer excellent calorific performance and an average cost.

The white fir pellets derive from rather resinous trees and have a high combustion capacity, caused precisely by the nature of the raw materials.

Although the heat given off is undoubtedly high (over 4500 Kcal) they burn very quickly and for a short time.

The canadian pellet is produced with white fir (20%) and spruce (80%), whose mixture guarantees a high calorific value (4300 Kcal), a low ash residue (0.3%) and a Rather low humidity (around 6%).

The austrian pellet is considered among the best imported products for the absolute guarantee of control over the entire production chain which in Austria is particularly severe.

Its calorific value reaches medium-high values, the relative humidity is less than 7% and the ash residue is equal to 0.3%.

Chestnut wood pellets are made with a wood rich in tannins that partially hinder combustion and release harmful vapors.

In fact, wood should be debarked, seasoned and damaged before being used in the production of combustible materials.

The color of the pellets has always been a source of discussion since many consumers are convinced that light ones offer more performing solutions than dark ones, even if there is no real evidence of these hypotheses.

The white pellet derives from light woods, such as white fir, while the beech pellet shows a darker shade.

However the color of the pellet is not the characterizing element as regards its quality which depends instead on a set of factors.

Much appreciated by consumers and increasingly in demand on the market, bio-pellets offer excellent functional performance at a fairly low cost.

Thanks to their dryness, they guarantee rapid and smoke-free ignition, characterized by a strong and lively flame. Excellent calorific value and low production of light and fine ash are other characteristic requirements of this product.

The only disadvantage is the decidedly still too high cost.
In relation to their progressively increasing diffusion, these eco-pellets have now entered the production cycles of many companies at full speed.

Pellet certifications

In Italy, the annual consumption of pellets is increasing exponentially, now exceeding, according to recent statistical evaluations, the value of 5 million tons.

In a constantly expanding market, it is essential to protect consumers by offering them products that meet good quality standards. To succeed in this aim, the certification obligation was imposed for each product that is sold.

The European EN plus certification is the only one capable of offering the necessary guarantees to pellets along the entire supply chain, with regard to the physical, chemical and energy characteristics, from the producer to the consumer.

According to the EN plus authorization, some requirements must be reported on the packaging of these products:
– correct reproduction of the EN plus mark;
– code of the country where the fuel is produced and distributed;
– certificate code of the manufacturer;
– denomination “wood pellets”;
– diameter;
– weight;
– any notes from the manufacturer or distributor.

EN plus represents the reference certification at international level which guarantees the sustainability of pellet production in all the participating countries.

In this way all the processing stages are certified, up to the delivery, which usually takes place in a tanker.

EN plus pellets offer some fundamental advantages, such as reducing heating costs, limiting emissions of fine dust, encouraging the employment of labor on the national territory.

Using renewable fuels, a percentage of carbon dioxide is emitted ten times lower than that of fossil fuels.

Considered a top product in the production landscape of these fuels, Pellet Gold are provided with a quality certificate and are considered products with low ecological and energy consumption, whose high efficiency depends on an excellent caloric value.

Made with high pressure compacted coniferous woods, adequately dried and with a minimum ash residue, they are able to guarantee pure combustion and free of harmful emissions for the environment.

The products must also comply with some parameters required by the UNI EN 14961 standard.

DIN plus pellets are provided with a special certification issued by a German regulatory institute in relation to the entire manufacturing process of products that must meet certain quality parameters.

Length, diameter, specific weight, calorific value, percentage of ash and additives and relative humidity are the requirements that are controlled by the DIN plus mark, for maximum consumer protection.

Another certification of the pellets is the Austrian O-norm, which is issued by an accredited research institute capable of ensuring that the products meet the requirements necessary for their marketing.

These checks are performed regularly every 12 months.

Il pellet e la sua reperibilità

Availability of pellets

Although the availability of pellets is wide all year round, we must evaluate the fact that some periods are more favorable for their purchase.

In fact, many of these products are imported and come from countries characterized by very harsh winters, capable of limiting (if not completely blocking) their production.

To avoid harmful price hikes, it is therefore necessary to know when to buy pellets. Usually the most suitable period is between April and June, considered a pre-seasonal phase, during which it is frequent to be able to take advantage of discounts that reach up to 30% compared to normal costs.

Shopping should be avoided in the winter because prices are progressively rising and supplies often fail to meet the massive demands of consumers.

This monetary trend is more evident at the level of small distributors, while it has no consequences on large suppliers who usually keep prices calm even during the cold season.

A factor that has a huge impact on the final cost is that of transportation. Since the majority of the pellets come from abroad, prices increase gradually as we move away from the production site.

One of the most popular means of transfer for these products is the tanker which, thanks to its specific requirements, guarantees excellent logistical conditions. Loose pellets can be delivered directly to your home using this means of transport.

Generally, buyers decide to procure combustible materials once a year, which are stored in the domestic warehouse and then used as needed.

These are always EN plus products certified and guaranteed even if not packed in traditional 15 kg bags.

Another decidedly convenient solution is to buy pellets online, given that numerous offers are particularly available on the web that are particularly convenient and easily viewable from home.
Thanks to the possibility of contacting foreign sellers, it is common to conclude very advantageous deals.

For those who want to save as much as possible, the ideal solution is that of pellets on a pallet, which allows to greatly increase convenience.

Given that it is a variable price fuel, strongly influenced by the climatic conditions, buying a whole pallet of pellets that guarantee the supply throughout the year allows you to spend much less than with repeated purchases from shops.

The pallets are usually made up of 70 bags of individually packed pellets, whose use can be done individually without therefore altering the quality of the goods.

Pellet prices

The pellet cost is significantly influenced by the climatic conditions since the prices of the product undergo a soaring increase of 50% more than the basic value when the first colds arrive.

This increase is also affected by transport which is very demanding and requires the use of specialized tank trucks.

In addition, the price pellet is also conditioned by the essence of wood used, certification, purity and quantity of product purchased.

On average, wholesale pellets are increased by 30/40% for retail, reaching a value between 30 and 35 euros per quintal, with peaks of 50 euros for particularly cold seasons.

When making a purchase of pallets comprising 70 bags of 15 kilos each, the price is estimated between 200 and 250 euros per ton.

For a bag of 15 kilograms you can spend from 3 to 5 euros.

The best pellet opportunities offered are available in the summer, usually until the end of August, during the pre-season, when production is high and the import is not affected by adverse environmental conditions.

From October to January it would always be better not to buy pellets since the seasonality of the fuel has an extreme impact on its cost.

Wholesale price pellets allow you to obtain advantageous discounts only on condition that the quantity of product purchased is very large; in these conditions it is advisable to make an annual stock by carrying out storage in dry and ventilated domestic environments, to ensure the best storage conditions for the goods.

In the winter months, those who need to buy 15 kilo sacks of this fuel could pay up to 4.5 euros, an increase of almost 50% compared to the summer months.

Although the cost of pellets is competitive compared to that of fossil fuels, it is still too high if compared to the increasing demand for the product.

According to some statistical projections, the expense required to heat a 100 square meter home through a pellet boiler is around 850/900 euros per year, with a saving of 14% compared to traditional natural gas heating and 51% Compared to the diesel one.

If instead the heating is integrated, with a pellet stove next to a gas or oil boiler, the cost is halved reaching 426 euros per year.

In addition to the economic savings relating to the supply, it is also necessary to evaluate that relating to the tax breaks provided for in the Thermal Account 2.0, which cover up to 65% of the outlay for the replacement of obsolete heating systems.

As far as VAT is concerned, the situation is still controversial as it has not been clearly defined whether it affects 10% or 22% of overall expenditure.

In the overall economic assessment of pellets, it is also appropriate to take into consideration the fact that currently imports have expanded to new markets, such as Japan and South Korea, which have joined the already operating Canada, United States, Russia and countries. Northern Europe.