Biomasses do not pollute and are not carcinogenic

There is a lot of misinformation about the world of energy production from wood biomass.

A few examples? According to a study conducted by the European Union, the use of biomass in winter for domestic heating and to produce energy would be one of the main pollution agents. Epidemiological analyzes have reported that the burning of bio-masses would produce toxic and carcinogenic gases that would cause breathing difficulties and lung cancer.

We even went so far as to say that the burning of bio-masses would be more polluting than cars and would cause much more damage to the environment and health.

Mainly for these reasons, many European states would like to ban the use of pellets for domestic heating since it would hurt: Italy is in third place among European consumers, after France and Germany.

It is a pity that it is only bad information and fake news, given that biomass does not actually pollute and is not carcinogenic.

This journalistic terrorism full of disinformation has led many companies to choose other heating methods, above all based on fossil fuels such as natural gas, a non-renewable and highly polluting source.

It has recently been shown that the pollution of biomass is minimal compared to that produced by the use of cars for transport that burn fossil fuels, that is gasoline.

It has been calculated that on 3 kilometers of road with medium traffic 95% more polluting fine dust and carcinogenic gases are emitted than a modern 500kw pellet boiler.

In addition, the law clearly establishes limits of emissions of fine dust, so as to implement in the big cities the block of the means that pollute too much when the concentration of these dust is very high, or in winter, when the rains are scarce and therefore there is the Stagnation of toxic gases.

Well, even industrial plants that use bio-masses, if upgraded with emission suppressors, not only do not exceed the limits imposed by law, but values of about thirty times lower than the quantity allowed by current legislation are recorded.

So it is of fundamental importance to help consumers understand and be aware, answering any questions and promoting the culture of clean and eco-sustainable energy through the correct use of firewood and pellets.

No less important is the purchase of latest generation boilers and stoves that not only guarantee low emissions and healthy air for the family but also limit the production of carcinogenic fine particles, not impacting the environment and, not least, reducing the waste and consequently bringing great economic savings.

Today, 15% of the world’s population meets the need for energy through the use of biomass, unlike Europe, which certifies the use of this energy source at only 3-4%.

In contrast to the average, however, we find the countries of central and northern Europe which, with greater heat requirements, choose bio-mass. In particular, three quarters of Finland and Sweden use large co-generation plants, namely the production of electricity and heat, powered by bio-mass. Even 13% of Austria uses bio-mass combustion while in Switzerland this renewable energy source is the most used for thermal heating systems.

tipi di pellet

But let’s now see in detail from a scientific point of view the emissions produced by the combustion of bio-masses, how to recognize the best stoves and boilers to buy and which bio-masses are the most suitable for domestic heating. Finally, it is essential for the health of the home to have good habits and to do maintenance regularly.

Knowledge is power, and in this case the power to make the right choices can help the environment, one’s finances and one’s health.

Let’s clear the view

CO2 emissions are the gas produced through combustion processes. Excess CO2 in the air is the major pollutant in the atmosphere as it decreases the concentration of ozone, which protects the planet from ultraviolet rays from the sun.

Therefore CO2 causes global warming since during the day it facilitates the accumulation of heat on earth and at night prevents the dispersion of heat in space.

These emissions are mainly due to industrial activity and the burning of coal and oil. But as far as bio-mass combustion is concerned, we are exactly at the opposite pole since wood and pellets are renewable and carbon natural sources, therefore the CO2 emitted by bio-masses is equal to that absorbed by plants with photosynthesis, therefore it is eco-sustainable.

The use of bio-masses helps to counteract global warming and climate change, it is also an economic way of heating, therefore also accessible to the poorer sections of the population for domestic heating.

For the emissions of fine dust the discourse is slightly different: the fine dust, so volatile to be breathed, derives from natural and anthropic processes such as the combustion of wood, from agricultural activities and from the operation of internal combustion engines of cars.

It is needless to specify that the greatest source of fine dust production is due to cars, so much so that in winter traffic in large cities is often blocked due to the large concentration of these harmful and carcinogenic dusts.

Unfortunately, Italy has a dramatic record regarding fine dust: according to data released in November 2019 by international research, it turned out that our country is the first in Europe and the eleventh in the world for mortality due to fine dust Pm 2.5.

But then do biomasses produce fine particles harmful to health? Yes, but technological innovation and good habits can solve the problem.

Modern pellet or bio-mass stoves with Clean Air certification are much less impacting on the health of the air and good maintenance of heating devices such as daily cleaning of the brazier will lower emissions by more than 80%.

So the particulates, i.e. the set of volatile substances which in the form of atmospheric aerosols are harmful to health, will no longer be a problem.

Another great accusation aimed at bio-masses is the production of carbon monoxide, that is, a toxic gas that is difficult to detect, since it is odorless, tasteless and non-irritating, but if in high concentrations it can cause death by intoxication.

This, according to definition, is produced by the incomplete combustion of organic material, as long as there is little oxygen in the environment, therefore in a closed environment. This is also produced by cigarette smoking, which is why smoking is prohibited in closed public spaces.

To prevent intoxication accidents, it is necessary to carry out careful maintenance and contact professionals in the sector.

In addition to the logical positioning of fireplaces and bio-mass combustion stoves in fairly large and airy rooms, it is necessary, for example, to have the chimneys cleaned regularly at least once a year as this can lead to the the bad combustion of wood with the consequent creation of carbon monoxide and intoxication of tenants in the home.

The care to check that the special vents for ventilation are not clogged and the installation and maintenance by skilled and accurate personnel in carrying out the work is the right way to safeguard the health and safety of those who live in a house.

Bio-masses have been used since ancient times and with the right precautions today they could not only bring environmental benefits but also at an employment level, and at an energy policy level.

Since the different stages of bio-mass production create jobs and help the recovery of the agro-forestry sectors but also jobs thanks to the search for technological innovations that improve this product day by day making it as eco-sustainable as possible.

Nowadays the use of fossil fuels is preferred to these ecological ones but only because the environmental damage produced by fossil fuels and the social costs that causes the burning of oil and other fossil fuels in terms of mortality are not considered.

In order to make bio-mass increasingly competitive, technological innovation works to make the level of efficiency of the conversion of bio-mass into energy and to invest in the reduction of production costs, making it even better the best choice for home heating.

In conclusion, the bio-masses will be a step back in history to ensure a better future for both us and our planet using only renewable materials and with a little patience in maintenance, also economic savings and greater health at home.

camini e stufe

The importance of choosing quality stoves and boilers and how to recognize them

Choosing high quality stoves and boilers is the first step in using bio-mass combustion devices that do not impact the planet and above all are not harmful to health.

First of all it is good to be sure that the devices comply with the CE declaration, that is, all those mandatory documents that guarantee the consumer a product that meets the safety requirements of the community regulations.

Another important aspect is the certification required by AIEL, the Italian Agroforestry Energy Association, which is responsible for protecting the wood-energy supply chain by ensuring the energy enhancement of biomass.

The AIEL certification is better known as Aria-Pulita ™ (Clean Air): thanks to this document it is possible to be sure of the suitability of the re-heating systems and also to be aware of the efficiency and any emissions both harmful and harmless to human health.

Aria-Pulita ™ therefore protects not only the environment but also the manufacturers of high-quality devices and also consumers who will be aware and aware of every aspect of the device they want to buy.

For the purchase of modern eco-sustainable and non-polluting appliances, there is also a thermal account incentive that covers up to 60% of the expense.

To recognize and make a good purchase it is necessary to make sure that the new high heat emission appliances are equipped with the Aria-Pulita ™ certification, the quality certification of the heating systems. It is very simple to understand the certification: the more stars there are, the fewer emissions the new device will emit.

Therefore there will also be stoves with Aria-Pulita ™ certification but it is good to read carefully and how many stars it has and any emissions that are reported in order to choose the product that best meets the customer’s needs.

A recent study conducted by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Brescia (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Brescia) has shown that there is still ample room for improvement to have more heat and less CO2 and fine dust emissions. Therefore research is in continuous development and innovation to guarantee eco-sustainability and zero impact.

In addition, if you already own a dated pellet stove, it is good to know that investing in a new and modern biomass stove reduces emissions by 85% which will also save on the amount of fuel ensuring greater performance.

With the Ministerial decree of 28 December 2012, a fund was allocated, thermal account 2020 GSE, to encourage interventions to improve the energy class of buildings and to help the production of energy from renewable sources, including bio-masses.

So simply replacing a biomass combustion heating device with a modern one at the end of its life can improve air quality by up to 25% in about ten years.

Choosing modern biomass boilers and stoves is an important choice for everyone.

Quality biomass fuels

The difference in environmental impact in terms of emissions is not only due to obsolete plants but also to the quality of the fuel used, especially if it is pellets, and therefore also for quality biomass it is essential to pay attention to.

The purchase of certified bio-fuels therefore must be done with extreme care.

For pellets, for example, it is advisable to contact authorized and certified dealers that are marked with the EN plus label, the number one pellet certification in the world.

This pellet is a high quality product that reduces emissions and also the fraud that can be behind the entire production chain, from production to final delivery. Firewood also has guarantee certificates.

Biomassplus is the certification for firewood, wood chips and briquettes that aims to guarantee legality, traceability and quality, but also and above all environmental sustainability, given that despite producing the same energy, it emits 70% less harmful elements compared to natural gas.

Buying certified quality wood and pellets is a favor that is done to health and also to the wallet, since non-certified bio-masses could cause serious damage to the stoves and boilers they use.

Basically it is good to remember that the use of fossil fuels as well as having a strong environmental impact that has led to the serious problems of global warming of which everyone is aware and the consequences are tangible day by day.

On the contrary, bio-masses can be considered renewable sources since they seek and are in harmony with nature by balancing the CO2 emissions with those that plants absorb through their vital functions.

The good habits that help to respect the environment

To better respect the environment, people who live in the home and health, it is necessary to acquire good habits.

The first of all is to contact authorized and professional dealers who make available to customers not only high quality products but also professionalism and attention during device installation and care during maintenance operations.

In this regard, it is good to remember that there are two types of maintenance: ordinary and extraordinary.

Ordinary maintenance can be done independently, without the intervention of a specialized technician, and consists in carefully cleaning the stove not only for a home hygiene factor but, as we have seen, also to reduce harmful emissions.

The best way to understand if a pellet stove needs cleaning is to see if it produces many more residues than usual. Then a daily cleaning of the brazier must be carried out and the pellet stove must be carefully cleaned of any residue without using harmful detergents.

Needless to say, the quality of the pellet will be seen not only by the absence of harmful fumes, but also by the few residues that this will leave after combustion.

As regards the cleaning of the chimney, the ash duct and the heat exchanger chamber, it is necessary to always and only contact qualified technicians who are in possession of a regular license so that they are able to provide you, at the end of the work, with a certificate of conformity.

Extraordinary maintenance is usually carried out once a year so it will not be a great expense for your finances and will certainly extend the life of the stove and bio-masses combustion boiler.


In conclusion it is good not to be influenced by misinformation and fake news but it is always better to inquire about important topics.

It is obvious that a vintage car pollutes much more than a modern one, in the same way an old obsolete wood stove will pollute much more than an Aria Pulita certified biomass stove that has almost no impact on the environment.

The initiatives implemented by the Italian Association of Agroforestry Energy promote the use of these products because they are scientifically eco-sustainable and less impactful than fossil fuels.

The simple desire for information, linked not to the psychological terrorism of fake news on carcinogenic biomass but to the incentive for plant turnover linked to the desire to certify quality products to ensure transparency for the consumers is a small but big step to combat global warming and make an eco-sustainable choice to safeguard common health.

So remember that bio-masses do not pollute and are not carcinogenic.